Research & Development


Research & Development Activities

Telangana Forensic Science Laboratory (TGFSL) is a multi-disciplinary science institute that employs a variety of techniques and methods to support the criminal justice system. In response to the rapid pace of technological advancements and globalization, crime is constantly evolving and adapting, making the role of TGFSL increasingly important. The laboratory has specialized sections and is committed to excellence in forensic education and research, with a dedicated research and development (R&D) wing that aims to carry out quality research in specialized disciplines of forensic science. The R&D activities of the laboratory focus on evolving quick, sensitive, and reliable experimental techniques to promote research activities in emerging fields of forensic science. TGFSL also supports the justice delivery system by providing research guidance to Ph.D. students pursuing degrees in forensic science from various reputed universities and institutes.


Our Achievements

No. of PhDs08
No. of research papers published in various reputed International and National journals30
No. of research papers presented in conferences and seminars21
No. of papers sent to various conferences and seminars for presentations08
National Awards01
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