Physical Sciences Division


Physical Sciences Division

The Physical Sciences Division of Telangana Forensic Science Laboratory provides state-of-the-art facilities for the examination and analysis of physical evidence related to various crimes.

The division comprises three main sections: Ballistic Division, Physics Division and Photo Division. These sections specialize in examining and analyzing fire arms, ammunition, building materials, paints, wires, fibers, clothes, ropes, metals and various other physical evidences that may be relevant to criminal investigations.

The division also employs sophisticated instruments like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers and Image processing and Pattern recognition units to assist in forensic analysis.

Forensic Excellence

Our Key Strengths

Experienced forensic scientists and technicians

State-of-the-art facilities and equipment

Expertise in analyzing various physical evidences

Use of sophisticated instruments like Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometers and Image processing and Pattern recognition units to assist in forensic analysis

Strong collaboration with law enforcement agencies to provide timely and accurate analysis of physical evidence

our Services

Unlocking Mysteries through Scientific Analysis

The Physical Sciences Division employs advanced techniques and instrumentation to examine and analyze physical evidence, contributing to comprehensive forensic investigations.

Ballistic Division

Photo Division

Physics Division

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