Forensic Computers Division


Forensic Computers Division

The Forensic Computer division of the Telangana Forensic Science Laboratory (TGFSL) specializes in the acquisition, retrieval, recovery, and analysis of digital data from various storage media.

Our dedicated team of experts is equipped to handle a wide range of digital devices including computers, laptops, hard disks, pen drives, mobile phones, memory cards, SIM cards, DVRs/NVRs, and more. Through advanced tools and techniques, we aim to extract and examine valuable information that can aid in criminal investigations.

Our services include data recovery, forensic imaging, password analysis, metadata examination, and the identification of digital footprints. Our mission is to provide accurate and comprehensive forensic analysis to support law enforcement agencies and contribute to the administration of justice.

Forensic Excellence

Our Key Strengths

Experienced and well-trained Cyber Forensic experts specializing in digital storage media analysis.

State-of-the-art forensic equipment, including the advanced 'Atola Task Force' system, for efficient and swift forensic imaging and acquisition.

Expertise in data extraction and forensic analysis from a wide range of damaged digital storage devices, such as hard drives, flash drives, SIM cards, and mobile phones.

Availability of high-end workstations and servers, equipped with the latest digital forensic tools, ensuring accurate and thorough examination.

Committed to providing reliable and comprehensive digital forensic services to support criminal investigations and facilitate the administration of justice.

our Services

Unraveling Digital Evidence for a Just World

The Forensic Computers Division plays a crucial role in serving justice by meticulously analyzing digital data from various storage media to support criminal investigations.

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