Biological Sciences Division


Biological Sciences Division

The Biological Sciences Division at Telangana State Forensic Science Laboratories is a highly specialized unit dedicated to Forensic Biology, Forensic Serology and Forensic DNA. 

Our team of highly trained forensic experts examine physical evidence for biological composition or characteristics using biochemical techniques, and provides scientific evidence for legal procedures during the investigation of heinous crime cases.

We are equipped to examine a wide range of biological evidence, including blood, blood-stains, saliva, semen, vaginal secretions, diatoms, hair, seeds, maggots, vegetable fibers, and wood, among others.

Our team works closely with investigating agencies in crime cases involving rapes and murders, providing them with valuable insights and expert opinions based on our extensive analysis.

Forensic Excellence

Our Key Strengths

Highly trained and experienced forensic experts

State-of-the-art laboratory facilities and equipment

Comprehensive analysis of biological evidence using biochemical techniques

Close collaboration with investigating agencies in crime cases

Reliable and accurate analysis for legal procedures

Strong commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and expertise

our Services

Justice served, accountability ensured

At the Biological Sciences Division, we are committed to serving the community by ensuring that justice is served, and the guilty are held accountable.

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